Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bath Songs

So here are two fun comparison videos. The first one is from March so Paige was about 5 months old. The second one was from July (9 months old). You can see she still likes to sing and rehash the days events with us. But as she's gotten older she wants to only sit in the tub (no more laying down) and usually can be found giving the duck CPR. She's a total crack up at bath time and eats more bubbles than any child I've ever known. Enjoy!


Liz said...

Very cute we need some videos of her riding around on Tonka's back :) he can be the pony at her birthday party

Unknown said...

Paige is the most interesting bather I have ever watched. I really enjoyed these.

christalee said...

Very cute! Loved the CPR.